AralSTEM is currently focused on delivering impact through no-cost measures such as supplying used equipment and introducing online resources to science curricula worldwide. As a result, we are not currently accepting donations. Check this page in the future for new fundraising efforts.
During the Summer, I reached over 200 children with my science classes - and yet, there are hundreds more kids who I couldn't reach due to time constraints, just in one school. No child should miss out on a practical science education, and my aim is to reach even more children, not just in one school, but across the whole region. This can be achieved by addressing two factors - attracting volunteers who will be representing AralSTEM as well as crowdfunding the materials needed for the lessons.
I could sense palpable enthusiasm from the teachers I met while I was at the school and I have already set-up my first few Zoom workshops with teachers and other students of my age. These will train them on the content I created so they have all the theoretical and practical knowledge to conduct the lessons and bring a hands-on STEM education to a wider audience!
However, each science lesson requires equipment such as electricity kits, rocket launchers, and much more. A lesson for a classroom of children can be funded for as little as $25!
That's where we need your help - donations of any amount will go a long way! Your kindness is greatly appreciated!